Monday, September 13, 2010


So my little ones are back in the routine of school and that means that mama has a bit more time to... do homework? In the spirit of "back to school," Leah, from Go{4}Pro, gave her readers a homework assignment to share a silhouette photo. (Yes, I have to spellcheck that word every time.)

This photo truly was a homework assignment for me during an online class I took. It was one of those cases where not having ideal circumstances (a handy sunset before the deadline) compelled me to be creative and find an alternative silhouette (spellchecked) conducive environment. Aren't those the best learning moments anyway?

"Almost Five"
My little Faithy who can't quite stand completely still as she looks ahead to her future. :)

Join me for recess at Heather Ward's Lolly's Playground!